Hi! This section of my website is heavily under construction. but I'll be using this area to share photographs I've taken! While I'm learning, it'll probably be a lot of pictures of my darling kitty Zelda. Dates are formatted year/month/day

taken 2024/02/05

taken 2024/02/06

Zelda makes a clear demonstration that she no longer wants to model this evening...

taken 2024/02/07
Lots of experimentation today! I showed a coworker my previous images and he suggested I try to increase my shutter speed to take clearer pictures of miss zelda. I played around with that quite a bit tonight, though I still need to figure out how to manually focus things better. For that I rely on the auto-focus in some of the preset settings. I'll be sitting down to read my camera's manual this weekend, unfortunately I'm just too busy at the moment to do the deep dive I need to lol.. Besides playing with the shutter speed, I also tried adjusting some of the photos I took in editing software! I'm just using the free program that Canon provides, but it seems like it has a lot of features I can sink my teeth into. I mostly adjusted the brightness and tried to reduce noise, nothing major. Still, I feel like tonight was a step in the right direction! I can't wait till the weather gets warmer and trees a bit greener so I can unleash my burgeoning hobby on some hikes. Stay tuned!

Up close and personal with Zelda!
