welcome to my webpage ! !
i'm leo! i really like making lists! hosted here are some of my favs.
this webpage is best viewed on a desktop in firefox!
pardon the mess, my webpages are works in progress!
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11/5/2024:Added a blog section
2/6/2024: Few tweaks to linking and wording on pages here and there. Added more pictures to my photography page!
2/5/2024: Added a section for my photography! Still super rough tho. But check it out, I got some pics there.
1/20/2024: Added new pages to my Music Jams area, hoping to build out sections to highlight subgenre recommendations! There's not much to show atm though lol
1/8/2024 Added guestbook! Don't click on the advertisements there, they're real lol.
1/7/2024: Added Changelog! Updated Music page! Added... advertisements?!
last updated: 12.12.24
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