Anticipated Questions
- This isn't an Otome Isekai
- Why isn't [insert title] on the list?
- Are manhwas and manhuas really Otome Isekai, if they’re not from Japan?
Agree to disagree. You may write your own list and exclude that entry.
A few reasons starting with the most obvious: 1. I haven't read it, 2. The entire series isn't easily accessible, 3. It fails to pass the Vibes Test (may have some trappings/similar tropes, but falls short of being a real OT - ex. Princess Bibliophile, or Charlotte Has Five Disciples), 4. I didn't find it engaging enough to warrant including on this list.
That said, it's usually reason #1. If you have a work you'd like to recommend, please shoot me a DM on tumblr!
Absolutely. Korea and China are honestly where a lot of the most innovative and interesting OI’s come from!! Just because OI’s got their start in Japan doesn’t mean they’re exclusive to manga. (I mean isekai itself is strongly influenced by English-language Portal Fantasies… but I digress)
introduction -- THE OTOME ISEKAI RECOMMENDATION LIST -- definition